Our Story
The Bonnie Fang Foundation® was founded in 2002 by Bonnie’s daughters when she passed from lung cancer. Bonnie, who was a nurse, was a very passionate woman who cared deeply not just for her family and friends, but for everyone around her. She made it her mission to provide help to those in need.
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Nursing Students Helped
More Nurses Still Needed
Care for one... that's love. Care for thousands... that's nursing.
Our programs are designed to further our mission and provide much needed services for our constituents.
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Your contribution and support enables us to further our mission!
How your contributions help.
Fundraisers and events help us raise awareness and generate crucial resources to serve our community. Join us at our next event and see how you can get involved.
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Improve your community by joining our cause. You'd be surprised at what a huge difference a little bit of your time can make.
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News & Notes
No matter what kind of stress we’re experiencing, the better we can learn to cope in a healthy way, the more successfully we’ll be able to manage.
Whether you have a little or a lot of free time, there’s no better way to spend it than by getting out there and making a difference.
To support and invest in the future of the nursing profession with care and compassion.