Wenxin Helena Niu
2018 Undergraduate Scholarship Recipient
Loma Linda University | School of Nursing
My name is Wenxin (Helena) Niu. I was born in northern China and immigrated to the United States with my parents when I was six years old. We initially moved around a lot before finally settling down in the quiet suburbs on the outskirts of Los Angeles, where I enjoy hiking, visiting local museums, and partaking in the delectable food scene of the San Gabriel Valley.
When it comes to patient care, asking myself “What if this was someone I loved?” is the driving question behind why I pursued the field of nursing. A traumatic accident during my childhood gave me first-hand knowledge of the experiences of a trauma patient and how big of a difference a nurse can make in the quality of a patient’s hospital experience and recovery. This experience not only helped me realize that I wanted to be part of a career where I can take care of others in these dire situations, but it also helped me be able to form a more personal connection with these patients and their families. I consider it a privilege to take care of others at their sickest and I make it a priority to ensure that all of my patients’ needs are being met.
I am a member of American Association of Critical Care Nurses (AACN) and National Student Nurses’ Association and will be inducted into Sigma Theta Tau, the international honor society of nursing in June. In my spare time, I volunteer at LLUSN’s Academic Center for Excellence as a Study Group Leader. I find it rewarding to help guide the students to form effective studying habits to ensure success throughout their nursing school journey. On the weekends, I also enjoy volunteering at a local animal shelter where I get to socialize with the dogs and puppies there. Although I currently don’t have a pet canine of my own, I hope to train my future puppy to become a certified therapy dog, so he can bring joy and optimism to those who need it most.Currently, I am finishing up my Bachelor’s degree at Loma Linda University School of Nursing.
I am so grateful to have been selected as the Bonnie A. C. Lee Fang Foundation Scholarship recipient for 2018. I feel incredibly blessed for the generosity and support.